Strategic Plan
Continuous quality improvement
The College is committed to assessing and reflecting on its regulatory work with a focus on continuous improvement in its processes with measurable outcomes.
- Deliver a refreshed suite of educational sessions to all board and committees to address cultural safety and humility, trauma-informed care, implicit bias training and best practices in governance.
- Establish gender-correct language policies that apply to all departments and correspondence.
- Deliver educational modules to board/committee and staff on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity with a focus on trans-literacy.
Cultural safety and humility
Address Indigenous-specific racism in the health-care system by embedding cultural safety and humility into the College’s regulatory processes, daily operations, governance structures and practice standards.
- Successful launch of the new brand.
- Leverage opportunities to draw on expertise of the Indigenous Engagement Group.
- Evaluate how registrants are applying the principles in the Indigenous Cultural Safety, Cultural Humility and Anti-racism practice standard.
Regulatory innovation
Broadening the scope of Drug Programs as a quality assurance activity.
- Conduct an environmental scan to identify opportunities to support evidence-informed prescribing affecting patient and public safety at provincial and national level.
- Enhance website content to support physicians in improving prescribing practices.
- Progress toward realizing more regulatory involvement in antimicrobial stewardship.
Pilot a new guided self-directed “right touch” quality assurance program.
- A second stream of PPEP will leverage the CFPC Professional Learning Plan to engage family physicians in self-reflection and self-improvement to achieve quality assurance.
Registrants and key health partners view the College as evolving, accessible, diverse, ethical and transparent.
- Health authorities and government – provide relevant information about new classes of registration and be viewed as a key partner in addressing health human resourcing access and supply challenges.
- Registrants – provide ongoing education and access to resources to support them in practice.
Read the full strategic plan