Serving the public by regulating physicians and surgeons
Our mission is to serve the public by regulating physicians and surgeons. We fulfill this mission in a variety of ways:
- ensuring that BC’s physicians and surgeons are qualified, competent and fit to practise medicine
- managing and responding to complaints from patients
- taking action if a physician or surgeon is practising in a way that is incompetent, unethical or illegal
- administering quality assurance activities to ensure physicians and surgeons remain competent throughout their professional lives
- accrediting diagnostic and private medical/surgical facilities so that patients receive quality care
We stay current with our ever-changing cultural and social landscapes. We actively listen so we can learn, grow and adapt as necessary.
We are unbiased, inclusive, and culturally safe and humble. We treat everyone equally with dignity, courtesy and respect, and without discrimination.
We are fair and ethical in our conduct. Our actions and our regulatory proceedings and decisions are unprejudiced and free of bias.
Our processes and policies are accessible and applied consistently. We provide clear, relevant, and timely information about our mandate and work.
Our overriding interest is the protection and safety of the public. We are committed to fulfilling this role to ensure physicians and surgeons meet expected standards of practice and conduct.
Protecting the public by ensuring physicians and surgeons meet expected standards of practice and conduct
We regulate the practice of medicine under the authority of provincial law. All physicians and surgeons who practise medicine in BC must be registrants of CPSBC. We protect the public by ensuring registrants meet expected standards of practice and conduct.
Management and governance
We have a board that governs, controls and administers CPSBC’s affairs in accordance with provincial law, regulations and CPSBC Bylaws. Our committees are made up of board members, medical professionals and public representatives. Daily operations are administered by the registrar and CEO, and other medical and professional staff.
Who does what? CPSBC and Doctors of BC
Doctors of BC and CPSBC have differing roles and responsibilities in directing physicians and surgeons in BC.