Volume 9 | No. 6 | Nov / Dec 2021 query_builder 1 minute

Second consultation informs the near-final draft Indigenous Cultural Safety, Cultural Humility and Anti-racism practice standard

Practice standards and professional guidelines


The College recently shared its near-final draft of the new Indigenous Cultural Safety, Cultural Humility and Anti-racism practice standard, which clearly communicates the Colleges’ zero tolerance for Indigenous-specific racism in BC’s health-care system. This practice standard was developed in collaboration with the BC College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM) and has now undergone extensive consultation, evolving the initial foundational principles into a robust practice standard.

Throughout the drafting process, the College engaged its partners at the First Nations Health Authority, Indigenous patients and registrants through virtual circle discussions, and consulted more broadly with all physicians, surgeons, nurses and midwives through surveys. The College also reviewed multiple reports, including Reclaiming power and place: The final report of the national inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women and girls, and the Health Standards Organization’s draft First Nations, Métis and Inuit Cultural Safety and Humility standard. The input that was provided during the development process has reinforced the need for swift implementation of the new practice standard.

The College recognizes that every registrant is at a different place in their unique cultural safety and humility learning journey and is currently working with the BCCNM to develop supporting tools and resources to accompany the standard.

To begin with, registrants may wish to review the following reports:

The practice standard will be presented to the College Board for approval at its next meeting in February 2022.

The College acknowledges and sincerely appreciates the input it received from the many people who participated in this important process. The College is deeply committed to doing its part to dismantle the racism that was built into our colonial health-care system, and ensure that BC physicians and surgeons are providing safe and culturally appropriate care to Indigenous patients.

Questions related to the draft practice standard and related consultation process may be directed to communications@cpsbc.ca.