Volume 9 | No. 6 | Nov / Dec 2021 query_builder 2 minutes

Revised practice standards and FAQs recently published

Practice standards and professional guidelines


The College has recently updated several practice standards, including: Treatment of Self, Family Members and Others Close to You, Ending the Patient-registrant Relationship, Access to Medical Care Without Discrimination, Medical Records Management and Medical Records Documentation.

Treatment of Self, Family Members and Others Close to You includes a new paragraph acknowledging that registrants practising in rural or remote settings face unique circumstances, and a new comprehensive list of expectations under the “College’s Position.” Definitions have also been provided at the bottom of the practice standard for increased clarity.

Ending the Patient-registrant Relationship includes a new situation where it is considered appropriate to end the patient-registrant relationship where: “the patient moves to another community making required in-person assessments impracticable.” The need for this new example was prompted by the wide use of virtual visits during the pandemic and recent calls from concerned registrants who had patients wanting to keep them as their primary care provider after relocating to a distant town. Though some patients are insistent that registrants can “be my doctor from anywhere,” this is often not practical, or feasible, as necessary in-person appointments may become unrealistic. 

Access to Medical Care Without Discrimination includes an updated title which better reflects the intent of the standard—to prevent discrimination in medical care. 

The previously titled Medical Records, Data Stewardship and Confidentiality of Personal Health Information practice standard has been replaced by two new practice standards: Medical Records Management and Medical Records Documentation to improve clarity. The principles contained in the standards have not changed.

The College has also updated the Medical Assistance in Dying FAQs document to include reference to new Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) education modules available for health care professionals (HCP) on the PHSA Learning Hub – Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD): Roles and Responsibilities of Health Care Professionals (HCPs).

The modules were created by the Provincial MAiD Working group with representatives from the College, the BC College of Nurses and Midwives, the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia, health authorities, and the BC Ministry of Health MAiD Oversight Unit. The modules include new information related to recent legal changes and are intended to provide HCPs with a better understanding of MAiD, the process, and how to support patients requesting MAiD. There are three modules:

  1. The first module, Introduction to Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), is intended to be an introduction to MAiD for HCPs, and others, who may have occasional involvement with patients asking about MAiD.
  2. The second module, Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD): Roles and Responsibilities of Health Care Professionals (HCPs), provides more in-depth knowledge about the process, for those interested or more regularly involved with patients requesting MAiD.
  3. The third module, Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD): Roles and Responsibilities or Assessors and Providers, is designed for HCPs interested in learning about MAiD assessments and/or providing MAiD. The module provides in-depth information into the assessment components, as well as additional requirements for providers.

Questions regarding the MAiD learning modules can be directed to your local health authority MAiD Care Coordination Service

Any questions regarding the updated practice standards may be directed to communications@cpsbc.ca.