Disasters have fallen upon British Columbians in rapid succession, bringing information needs to light that may not have been apparent or pressing before 2020. Medical and psychiatric roles in disaster management are succinctly reviewed in a selection of books from the College library.
Ebooks: click the links to access the book online
- Disaster medicine (2016) provides an overview of disaster medicine, and the second describes the management of specific event types.
- Disaster and respiratory medicine (2019) is a resource for managing outbreak, aggravation, treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases particularly in natural disasters .
Physical books: click the links and scroll to Summaries & More to view the tables of contents:
- Koenig and Schultz's disaster medicine : comprehensive principles and practice (2016) is a comprehensive and evidence-based source for many aspects of medical issues in disasters. Some chapters relevant to floods are: Floods (603-623), Landslides (716-723), and Transportation Disasters (294-320).
- Textbook of disaster psychiatry (2017) and Hidden impact: what you need to know for the next disaster: a practical mental health guide for clinicians (2010) offer concise and practical guidance on the psychological, biological, and social response to natural and human-made disasters and interventions for care.
To borrow physical books or request copies of their chapters, contact the library (medlib@cpsbc.ca is best for a prompt response). With postal service potentially hampered by disrupted land routes, please note that library staff can email scanned chapters of books within the limits of copyright.
In addition, the Pandemic Management reading list offers a selected list of resources available through the College library for clinical management of COVID-19.
Library staff is available to locate other books and articles and provide in-depth literature searches to support registrant needs for resources to respond to current health crises and their ongoing learning (medlib@cpsbc.ca and 604-733-6671).