The library’s Cites & Bytes newsletter highlights recent articles from authoritative, peer-reviewed journals on topics of current medical interest.
Occasionally, a journal will offer a full issue on a theme and most if not all the articles are worthy of review. In practice, just one or two articles may be selected for entry into Cites & Bytes to best comply with copyright law. Registrants are always welcome to scan the articles from electronic journals without any limits.
The following are a few recent themed issues:
The Medical Clinics of North America released a January 2022 issue dedicated to substance use topics. See volume 106, issue 1.
The Psychiatric Clinics of North America September 2021 issue focused on sport psychiatry, including achieving mental health and peak performance, burnout and motivation in athletes, eating disorders, and chronic brain injuries. See volume 44, issue 3.
The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada published newly updated guidelines on menopause across the October, November, and December issues of JOGC in 2021. See volume 43, issues 10 to 12.
The library’s guide to services provides information on access to more online journals as well as the full suite of library services and resources.