The College recently published revisions to the Disclosure of Adverse or Harmful Events practice standard. As part of the consultation process, the standard was reviewed by the Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA), the Ministry of Health, Doctors of BC, UBC Faculty of Medicine and the Patient Relations Professional Standards and Ethics Committee.
The College also sought feedback from registrants to evaluate the principles for clarity and applicability to practice, and from the public to identify patient expectations during disclosure. The consultation occurred from February 1 to 21, 2022 and a total of 166 registrants and 75 members of the public participated.
The following edits were incorporated into the practice standard:
- Subheadings were included to simplify and organize content and to improve clarity
- The terms “close call,” “adverse event and “error” were removed to be consistent with updated CMPA definitions
- Clarified expectations of registrants regarding language and appropriate disclosure of facts
- Changed “should” to “must” to be consistent with language used in all other practice standards
The practice standard was endorsed for publication by the Executive Committee on June 23, 2022.
The College also recently published revisions to the Prescribing Methadone practice standard after review by the Prescription Review Panel to reflect changes in prescribing processes. The following edits were incorporated into the practice standard:
- Removed requirement for mandatory training when prescribing methadone for analgesia (it remains a recommendation)
- Updated to note that prescriptions are to be written on the new harmonized duplicate pad
The practice standard was endorsed for publication by the Executive Committee on July 27, 2022.
Questions regarding the revised practice standards can be directed to