Volume 11 | No. 4 | Jul / Aug 2023 query_builder 1 minute

Health-care professionals urgently needed to respond to emergency events

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As summer continues, BC is experiencing an increased risk of wildfires and heat-related events. The Emergency Health Provider Registry (EHPR) is an online registry of health-care professionals and health authority staff who may be able and willing to be deployed on a voluntary basis or hired to respond to emergency events. The EHPR is an important part of BC’s plan to ensure the health-care system is prepared to care for British Columbians through any emergency.

The Ministry of Health is asking health-care professionals who have not yet signed up to the EHPR to consider registering now.

Signing up for the EHPR does not create an obligation to respond to emergency events, and participation in any deployment is always voluntary. Also, registration in the EHPR does not guarantee deployment, as this depends on the specific needs of each health authority.

Refer to the Ministry of Health’s website Health Provider Registry for BC’s Emergency Response for answers to frequently asked questions and other updated information.

Questions about the EHPR can be sent by email to EHPRQuestions@gov.bc.ca.

Note: Health-care professionals who are currently registered will be receiving an email asking them to confirm their continued interest in being on the registry and to update their information via a web form.