Volume 12 | No. 2 | Mar / Apr 2024 query_builder 1 minute

Prescription pad use by home sleep apnea testing providers

DAP update


The Diagnostic Accreditation Program (DAP) provides accreditation for home sleep apnea testing (HSAT) facilities using established standards to ensure quality and safety of the service.

These evidence-based and outcome-focused standards are developed with guidance from an advisory panel of sleep medicine experts. HSAT facilities must be compliant with all mandatory standards to maintain an accreditation award and provide services to patients.

Patients are generally referred to HSAT facilities by community physicians. The tests are interpreted by sleep medicine physicians and a final report is provided to the referring physician. Patients may require treatment based on these results. In consultation with the patient, the referring physician uses their clinical judgement, patient’s medical history, current medical status and diagnostic tests to guide the treatment options.

HSAT facility staff are not permitted to pre-fill prescriptions (including patient demographics) or make any claims of diagnosis/recommendations for treatment interventions. A prescription for treatment is the sole responsibility of the referring physician.

A position statement with more information on the parameters for prescription pad use when distributed by HSAT providers can be found on the College website.