CPSBC’s accreditation programs, Non-Hospital Medical and Surgical Facilities Accreditation Program (NHMSFAP) and Diagnostic Accreditation Program (DAP) are members of the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua), which is a member-based, not-for-profit community and organization dedicated to promoting quality improvement in health care.
CPSBC is proud to announce that the NHMSFAP accreditation standards achieved ISQua’s External Evaluation Association (ISQua EEA) accreditation in September 2024. Specifically, 51 NHMSFAP accreditation standards were submitted to ISQua EEA for evaluation against the ISQua EEA Guidelines and Principles for the Development of Health and Social Care Standards, 5th Edition Version 1.1.
ISQua EEA provides third-party external evaluation services to health and social care external evaluation organizations and standards-developing bodies around the globe.
The NHMSFAP received five commendations for outstanding or exceptional performance in areas such as its clear linkage between professional and regulatory requirements and its well-structured governance and leadership expectations to foster organizational clarity and accountability.
This achievement provides CPSBC’s health partners such as the Ministry of Health, non-hospital facility medical directors and owners, physicians, nurses and patients with validation from an independent review organization that the NHMSFAP meets internationally recognized standards and best practices in accreditation.
CPSBC is the only medical regulatory authority in Canada that has achieved ISQua EEA standards accreditation for its Non-Hospital Medical and Surgical Facilities Accreditation Program.