As we continue to collaborate with other BC health regulators and the Ministry of Health on the implementation of the Health Professions and Occupations Act (HPOA), I look forward to meeting and working with the new Minister of Health, Josie Osborne, to manage a successful transition.
Although an in-force date for the HPOA has not yet been announced, we are working hard to ensure our operations and staff are ready when the day comes. We are currently reviewing many of our processes and taking an inventory of all our policies, procedures, forms, documents and web content that will reference sections of the HPOA, its regulations or the new bylaws, and systematically updating them to reflect the new legal framework.
A significant milestone in planning for the HPOA implementation has been the completion of the model bylaws. I am grateful to our external legal counsel and the other regulatory colleges who worked together over several months to draft the new model bylaws. Our chief legal counsel and team are now working to customize the bylaws for CPSBC. Shortly, we will conduct a comprehensive consultation process, inviting registrants, health partners, members of the public and Indigenous leaders to provide feedback on the new bylaws.
The HPOA bylaws will be completed, presented to the Board and published for consultation in three groups. Under the HPOA, CPSBC will have 16 parts (sections) to its bylaws, and they will be published for input from March to June 2025. Each part will be open for feedback for approximately 60 days. (Please note that dates may be revised based on the in-force date of the new Act when determined.)
Registrants and health partners will be notified by email as the draft bylaws and online feedback forms are published on our website. There will be detailed explanations and rationale provided for each part, and we will aim to highlight important information to make the review process easier.
The HPOA marks a significant step forward in the government’s goal to modernize the regulatory framework for health professionals in BC. Since the new bylaws will be applicable to all of you, I encourage your participation in this important consultation process. I remain committed to keeping you involved and updated throughout the transition.
Patrick Rowe, MD, CCFP (EM), FCFP
Registrar and CEO
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