Volume 13 | No. 1 | Jan / Feb 2025 query_builder 1 minute

PPEP launches a self-directed assessment pilot

PPEP update


As outlined in the May/June registrar’s message, the Physician Practice Enhancement Program (PPEP) has developed a new assessment, the self-directed assessment, to support community-based registrants. The goal of a self-directed assessment is to enable self-reflection and individualized learning in support of ongoing professional development throughout one’s medical career. This assessment has been launched as a pilot with a process evaluation to occur prior to a broader implementation.

Registrants selected for a self-directed assessment will determine and then pursue their own professional development goals within a quality improvement framework, utilizing the CFPC Professional Learning Plan (PLP) peer-supported pathway. The PLP is a certified one-credit-per-hour assessment activity accredited by the CFPC, offering 20 Mainpro+® certified credits. Through this process, registrants will identify and act on opportunities for quality improvement in each of these three areas: clinical support for clinical care, practice support for practice environment, and professional support for professional development, e.g. communication and work-life balance. They will have up to five years to complete all three quality improvement activities, with one topic of their choice completed in each area.

This instructional video provides additional details on the self-directed assessment process.

Please refer to the CPSBC website for further information on self-directed assessments.

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