Revised Medical Assistance in Dying practice standard and FAQs published
Several minor revisions have been made to the Medical Assistance in Dying practice standard and its accompanying FAQ document to ensure they remain current.
The revisions to the standard include removing outdated forms, updating form names and other terminology, and adopting the temporary revisions made during the COVID 19 pandemic as permanent changes. The College has also added clarification that:
- registrants must document their rationale for determining if a case is track 1 or track 2,
- no date for MAiD can be set and no substances can be dispensed until the eligibility assessments are complete,
- copies of Ministry of Health reporting forms must be kept in the patient’s medical record, and
- medical records must be made available if sought by the Ministry of Health.
Revisions related to medical assistance in dying for those whose sole underlying medical condition is a mental disorder (MD-SUMC) will not be incorporated to the standard at this time due to the delay in legislation announced by the Government of Canada.
The College’s Board approved the revised practice standard and FAQs for publication on February 23, 2024. Questions regarding these revisions can be directed to