Exam preparation
The following curated materials may be of interest to international medical graduates studying for the qualifying or certification examinations of the Medical Council of Canada, the College of Family Physicians of Canada, or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Library exam prep menu
For provisional registrants and UBC medical students only
Resource | Web access |
CanadaQBankA database of questions, answers, and clinical decision-making cases to assist in preparation for the Medical Council of Canada evaluating and qualifying examinations. Web access only. No mobile or app access. | Set up CanadaQBank account and password:
Set up mock exams:
Note: The College is not providing technical support as of March 15, 2024. |
Access expires on February 15, 2026
After this date, you will need to purchase a subscription with CanadaQBank to retain your access.