Postgraduate fellow

Postgraduate fellow

Postgraduate fellows pursuing further clinical or research training at the UBC Faculty of Medicine must be registered with the College.

For physicians enrolling in further clinical or research training at the UBC Faculty of Medicine who have either

  • successfully completed all of the educational requirements for certification as a specialist as determined by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC), or
  • obtained recognition as a medical or surgical specialist in their jurisdiction of practice immediately prior to applying for registration with the College.  


An applicant must meet the following eligibility:

  • have a medical degree from a medical school listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools which includes a Canadian sponsor note
  • either
    • completed the educational requirements for certification as a specialist as determined by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC), or
    • obtained recognition as a medical or surgical specialist in their jurisdiction of practice immediately prior to applying for registration with the College
  • meet the College’s English language proficiency requirements
  • have Canadian citizenship, be a permanent resident or be legally able to live and work in BC

How to apply

Postgraduate fellows pursuing further clinical or research training are registered with the College through the UBC Faculty of Medicine.

Applicants have to complete an application form, pay fees and submit supplementary documentation as part of the application process.

Completed applications must be submitted to the College six weeks prior to the anticipated start date. Failure to meet this deadline may result in a delayed start to the elective.

Maintaining the licence

The College must receive a written request directly from the UBC Faculty of Medicine to extend a postgraduate fellow licence. Once a request has been received and approved, ongoing registration and licensure is maintained by the trainee or fellow by

  • completing the annual licence renewal form to the satisfaction of the College, and
  • online payment of the annual licence renewal fee as detailed in Schedule A of the College Bylaws.

Failure to complete the annual licence renewal process will result in the cancellation of the postgraduate fellow licence. The licence will be reinstated when the annual licence renewal form is completed to the satisfaction of the College, and online payment of all outstanding fees is made.

Per the College bylaws, registration as a postgraduate fellow may be granted for a maximum of three years.

For more information about the requirements for registration and licensure, refer to: