What happens after a peer assessment
Quality improvement approach
All registrants strive to provide the highest quality care to their patients; nevertheless, it's always possible to improve quality.
A quality improvement approach does not remove the need for quality assurance. Quality assurance establishes that a registrant’s performance meets a standard that ensures patient safety. Quality improvement is a framework to systematically enhance registrant performance in providing quality care. Together, quality improvement and quality assurance lead to safe, effective health care.
PPEP post-assessment menu
Chart submission
A chart submission is an opportunity for a participant to demonstrate improved documentation in a patient chart.
Participants are provided chart submission instructions and guidance on sample charts to submit. This will help lead to a successful chart review.
Instructions for family practice
Chart review
Chart submissions are reviewed by a peer chart reviewer, who is also is a practising registrant.
The peer chart reviewer completes a chart review report and shares it with a medical advisor. The medical advisor evaluates if the necessary changes have been made based on the areas for improvement noted in the PRAP.
PPEP evaluation and development
Program evaluation provides information on the effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of a program, enabling informed decision-making and continuous improvement.