Terms of use

Terms of use

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia (the College) provides this website on the basis that those who use it accept the terms and conditions. Those who access and make use of this site agree to these terms and conditions. The College may modify these terms and conditions at any time. Should there be any updates to the terms and conditions, they will become effective when posted to this site.


The College website and its contents are the property of the College. The website is protected by Canadian and international copyright and other intellectual property laws. Trademarks used on the College website are owned by the College unless noted otherwise. Use of this website does not grant users ownership, a licence, or any other rights to the website, its content, or any intellectual property on the website.


All reasonable efforts are made to ensure the content on this website is accurate and up to date. Information may be edited, deleted or updated without any notice in order to ensure accuracy and currency.

Changes to this site

Information on this website may be deleted, edited or added to without any notice. Some features may be introduced or suspended, temporarily or indefinitely at any time. The College reserves the right, but not the duty, to correct any errors or omissions on any part of this site at any time without notice.

Links to and from other websites

Links on this site may take users to other websites. Once users leave the College website they are no longer under the terms and conditions of this site, but may be subjected to terms and conditions of the website they have been taken to. Similarly, the College cannot control websites that link to this site. Not all websites that link to this site have been permitted by the College. The College is not responsible for any content on a website linked from or to this site. Should a website be linked from or to the College site, it does not imply an endorsement nor affiliation to that website.


Any use of this site and its contents is done at the users’ own risk. The information presented in this site is provided “as is” and without warranty of any kind, including, but not limited to, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement, nor the absence of any computer viruses or other malicious programs. The College does not guarantee this site will operate without interruptions or will be error free.

Limitation of liabilities

In no event will the College be liable or responsible for any loss or damages to any party as a result of use of the site or any hyperlinked website. This includes, without limitation, any loss of data and programs on a computer or otherwise.